A luxury high end-winery in Osoyoos, BC with curved steel to make up sections of the roofline and a hanging observation balcony. There was a wide range of steel products used for this building which included structural steel, aluminum grating, stainless steel for grates, and rails and plate steel that made up many connections and a custom 4-story stair with 12 flights of stairs.
Our scope of work for the project was steel structure which included upgrades to an existing repurposed concrete base building, feature balcony steel including rails, steel stairs, and miscellaneous steel. The miscellaneous steel included canopies, ladders, work platforms, electrical chase on the underside of feature stair, templates for sandblasting tactile warning strips in exterior amphitheater concrete stairs, custom-designed steel support for glazing doors in the hospital wing, custom-designed glass guard rails support steel for hospitality wing balcony, and masonry and brick support.
Some of the challenges faced during this project were connections that needed to be made and cast in place concrete and masonry walls. Constant coordination between our team and the erectors (Preferred Steel), and the GC (Ledcor Construction) was required to make sure everything was a good fit when it arrived on site.
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